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In the early years, children learn best by hands-on experience. Words mean little to those who have not yet experienced the sights, sounds, smells, and feelings those words represent.
“Lessons which deal with words, only the signs of things, (emphasis mine) are not what the child wants. There is no knowledge so appropriate to the early years of a child as that of the name and look and behavior in situ [on location] of every natural object he can get at. “He hath so done His marvelous works that they ought to be had in remembrance. (Charlotte Mason)
Thanks for joining us. I’m Suzanna, mom to four boys and now an adorable little girl who’s growing up too fast and who will never doubt that her family loves her. I am in wonder of what God has done for me through His Son, Jesus Christ; in wonder of the precious husband He has given me, and of the family we are raising together by His grace. [Read more]